Monday, December 8, 2008


I've been thinking a lot about being busy and lifetimes and eternity and a million other heavy topics lately. A Bible study I'm a member of recently asked in one of the devotionals, "what three things would you like to accomplish in the course of your life?" The week's focus was on redeeming time and making the most of opportunities. I'm not certain really, about life goals, I mean.
I guess I'd like the basics, for starters. I'd like to be happily married, with a job I enjoy (whether or not I'm actually at a workplace, working from home, or my family is my main occupation) and I would like the picture perfect clean and inviting living room with an adorable pet and a couple of children laughing and all of that...
Mainly, I want to be able to look back on my life and feel that the people who knew me would want to re-live all the time we had together because it was worthwhile. I'd like for my children, if I do ever have any, to think of me now and again and call me a few times a month of their own volition. I'd like to be truly proud of the adults my children become.
As for more inconsequential things, I have always wanted to be an author of some sort. I'd also love to live abroad for a year or so. I would love to find some capacity or place where I can be a teacher of some sort, not a real school-teacher but maybe simply a mentor?

Oh, and I love sleeping, so I would love to someday have a bedroom that is perfectly minimalist with a bed that is so incredibly comfortable and soft AND I would be unbelievably happy if I could honestly have one week literally free of duties and responsibilities so I could lounge and sleep as much as I wanted. I don't care if that would in reality be unbearably boring, I still want to dream about it. Hmm, that's especially funny since that would be wasted time this post began by talking about redeeming time...ah well. I guess some time can only be redeemed by being 'wasted' a bit.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

the worst of the worst

Alright, in the interest of fairness, I am now going to post a list of some of the things I am not such a fan of.
I will admit, however, that I was really rather proud to find it more difficult to write this list than th
e gratitude list. That's positive, isn't it?
Nevertheless, here are the things that make me wrinkle up my nose in disgust:
  1. ironing
  2. highlighters (I know, they're convenient and helpful and bright and even sort of fun, but, I'm sorry, I just don't like them. At all.)
  3. homework or studying
  4. noses. Actually, I don't mind noses themselves, I think noses look sort of strange and function weirdly, but mainly I hate that noses always seem to be cold or runny or too dry or stuffed or upset at smells. Noses are the great complainers of the face, and I do not like them.
  5. scorpions. I don't like spiders either, and I really do hate cockroaches with every fiber of my being, but scorpions just get to me. I had a horrible encounter with a scorpion once and every since I just can't get over the irrational fear that there may be a scorpion hiding in my shoes. In my closet. Even in the middle of December when it's snowing outside. I know, it's irrational.
  6. insomnia. So frustrating.
  7. bad dreams. The only thing as bad as insomnia is finally getting to sleep...and then feeling desperate to wake up. I always have nightmares when I'm sick.
  8. crowds
    This is just a random photo off the internet to illustrate the point, but aren't the hostile looks such a bonus to the whole feeling of the picture??

  9. static. Sure it can be fun to see the balloon make your friend's hair stand straight up in middle school science class, but when my hair and clothes and EVERYTHING is all static-y and wild, oh it drives me insane.

    and finally, though not the worst,

  10. having to go shopping. I'm stubborn in general, so I hate anything I have to do, but needing something immediately and being forced by circumstances to go and buy something makes me angry. I like to window-shop. I like to see the best deals I can get on things. But you can never find good deals when you must get it. The deals are only there when you aren't looking for them. Seriously. It's science. (maybe not, but...)
What things make you sad or annoyed?