Tuesday, November 25, 2008

One of Those Days

Today has not been the best ever. It hasn't been the worst day ever, either, it's just right in the middle of the list of 'days I would not have minded completely skipping over.'
I'm taking a class all about engines, and the lab is very intensive. I'm about to change into my 'mechanic's clothes' and go work on a little old-school engine for awhile with my lab group. Here are photos of some of the process. It has actually been quite fun, learning all about it and actually getting better. I'm not exactly the most mechanical person in the world...I don't even really like Legos all that much, no offense. And look at all the crazy wires! These pictures are actually from the end of that phase of overhaul, we were running up the engine to make sure it still worked after we took it completely apart, cleaned it out, and (attempted) to put it perfectly back together. It ran beautifully, so I guess we did just fine!

It's almost the end of the semester so we'll be finishing up projects and taking the final exam for that class next week. Hard to believe...but so wonderful!
All of my lab groups have at least two girls, reminds me of Rosie the Riveter!

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