Thursday, November 27, 2008

you knew it was coming

Yep, gotta jump on the Thanksgiving bandwagon and share some of the little things in life that make me happy. I'm going to try to stick with the less obvious things, because you had better believe I love food in general and my family even more.
  1. minty gum
  2. extra pillowcases, in unexpected colors
  3. tea; especially constant comment and good earth jasmine tea. Oh yum.
  4. kit-kats
  5. crisp mornings
  6. naps
  7. chapstick. seriously. (did you know the pioneers used ear wax?? that is beyond gross)
  8. huge fluffy towels
  9. post-its
  10. walks
  11. fall leaves
  12. stars
  13. naps. this should have been at the top, perhaps...
  14. fire. not to come across as a pyromaniac, but don't campfires just sound and smell awesome?
  15. baked potatoes are incredibly satisfying. a good baked potato can honestly make my day.
  16. lazy afternoons
  17. books
  18. those random stuffed animals from childhood that skulk around in a now grown-up room
  19. hot water
  20. I have randomly fallen in love with black socks. they're just so unexpected.
  21. traveling
  22. deodorant. grateful to have it for myself---grateful that others have it as well!
  23. cereal. just classic.
  24. birds. I just like seeing them around. they get so excited about things!
  25. ice cold coca colas. oh yes.

I actually have
quite a few more to share...we'll just have to continue this another time. And, to be fair, I also have a list of the minor things in life that annoy me; gotta share that too!
What are some small things in life that make you happy?


1 comment:

David said...

-late night snacks
-stepping on acorn caps
-being able to do my homework
-soy sauce
-a good movie
-dumb jokes
-the cool side of the pillowcase
-rain, thunder
-walking and thinking
-good friends
-unexpected gifts
-driving with my love
-a really good eraser
-blasting hard rock
-amazing technology...namely my ipod
-taco bell
-wasting time
-making people laugh
-cold coke

I have more. Actually, I can find joy in most of the things I do, just not all.